Configuring Microsoft
Our Microsoft Dynamics integration allow your transferred interactions to be sent to your Microsoft installation as incidents.
You must have a working Microsoft Dynamics CRM installation with admin rights.
Create a new App registration
- Acess
- Go to Azure Active Directory and select App registrations in the left menu
- Click New registration and fill with the following details and click
- Name: Guuru
- Supported account types: ‘Single tenant’
- Redirect URI: can be ignored
- Save the ‘Application (client) ID’ (from now on Client Id)
- Click ‘Endpoints’ and save the second endpoint, ‘OAuth 2.0 token endpoint (v2)’ (from now on Auth Host)
Create new Client Secret
- Go to ‘Certificates & secrets’ on the left menu
- Click ‘+ New client secret’ and fill with the following details:
- Description: Guuru
- Expires: 24 months
- Save the generated ‘Value’ (from now on Client Secret). This value cannot be viewed again, so make sure you save it
Create App User
- Acess
- Select the environment to integrate with Guuru
- Click ‘Settings’, expand ‘Users + permissions’ and click ‘Application users’
- Click ‘New app user’
- Click ‘Add an app’ and select the new registered app Guuru
- Select Business unit (should be the current environment)
- Select the following Security roles: ‘System Administrator’
Connect Guuru to Microsoft
The steps below will connect Guuru to your Microsoft installation instance and enable the integration.
Open the Partner Portal and navigate to Settings > Integrations.
Under Microsoft you need to configure the integration with your Microsoft Organization Url, Auth Host, Client Id and Client Secret.
Organization Url
- Sign in into your Microsoft Dynamics CRM account
- After that, go to your browser address bar and copy the domain of
link address. Ex:
- Go back to the Guuru Integration view and paste the copied Organization Url
Auth Host
- Auth Host collected in step Create a new App registration
Client Id
- Client Id collected in step Create a new App registration
Client Secret
- Client Secret collected in step Create new Client Secret
Click Install.
If you need help or you are experiencing some problems setting up the integration, please get in touch with our support.